Thursday, August 27, 2015


She will dance a sensual dance on the waves of your heart
Like a judge she will leave no stone unturned
Only the strong can withstand the poison of her beauty and charm
The rest waste away like the sands in the hourglass

She will refuse to be subdued
The curves of her confidence are fit to woo every ounce of your soul
Undisputed, she will claim you and have you for herself
She will not stop, she rules

She defies the odds of nature
She has upset every rule that has been commanded against her will
Her lips drip of nothing but the sweet nectar of  womanliness
She has nothing to lose, she has your heart in her soft palms

She embraces her feminine venom, she owns her show
The world is her stage
The moon is her light
If you are brave, then cross her path
But the weak, she blots out of existence

She will rule
She will conquer
Majestically, she will rise
The Queen of her own heart
And maybe yours

If you look closely
If you submit
If you dare
You will know

I am She

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