Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Oh poems, where art thou - there you are!

World... I'm Back!! Okay, as promised I am going to upload my very VERY very beloved and treasured pieces - poems in layman's language (LOL) - and I think it's time I gave you a taste of my weirdness!! I'm still starting out obviously, having created 20 pieces if I remember well - more to come!

So the first piece is crowned as She.. a very intimate, fiery and confident showcase of a very robust and independent woman who will not surrender at any cost to get what she wants (duh - it's ME of course haha). It's one of the first poems I wrote in 2014 after a long break at it, as I had started out in high school around 2009. You'll read the rest as I post!


-The Libran-

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