Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Suicide : Society's crime

Taking someone's life is evil of course, but taking one's own life? Beyond unimaginable. Cases of people committing suicide have the same old causes: depression, loneliness, rough upbringing, just sadness that one person feels and endures ALONE. Where is the rest of society when this person decides to end his or her own life? We are all consumed with our own battles we forget that  sometimes other people need that one extra lift from us. And when we ignore, we think everything is well until you find them lying lifeless on the cold floor. Too late.

It's time we intensified education toward suicide and its impact on society. We need to stand collectively and fight this silent evil, who knows, maybe your loved one is contemplating it right now. Just saying. 

It won't take much to educate and support one another. Offering moral support and words of affection clearly doesn't need a degree. It's stupid for society to pay a price for suicide yet it causes it. Step the game up, DO SOMETHING TODAY.

Check on your loved ones always. When going through rough patch, talk to someone. Cry in their arms. Say it all. Even counseling helps, it won't go to waste. But hey I'm not here to reiterate stuff that's been emphasized already. We know what's to be done so let's not relax and bank on the fact that we're always going to be told what to do. Suicide is heartbreaking. But what's even more heartbreaking is that it's a crime that's being committed not by by the victim. They are not to blame.

Society, you're guilty as charged.

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