Saturday, July 2, 2016

Power of Silence

Your light will not always seem as bright
In another's world
Let the shadows be your friend
Let your success 
Become your own celebration

The power of silence. Silence is loud in its own right, it leaves a remarkable statement of beautiful mystery. You've heard it now and again, don't share your dreams with anyone or everyone. This is true.

I believe that at the age we are, we're making steps and progressing. Some of us will be great, some of us shall remain in the ordinary. Either way it doesn't stop us from wanting the best for ourselves. However as things pick up and we gain momentum, everything seems to go alright. We get excited. We want to share it all with anyone and everyone who will listen. Oh yes, people will be there to hear how well you're doing, but not everyone will care as much. Especially where you're doing a lot better than they are. The thing is, as we share every detail of achievement or road to success, I feel that we indirectly become accountable to those we preach to. If things go south, then what?

Now I'm not saying we should seal our mouths with duct tape and become entirely unreachable. It's just that major steps in life, major plans are best reserved for your own knowledge, not for everyone. It is best you know how you're doing your own things because, truthfully speaking, not everyone will be happy with your progress. And well we will never know the extent they will go to bring you down.

Know your circles. As you get to the top you will have fewer associates, those on the same race track as you are. Yes, it will feel good sharing each and every stage of your power plan with anyone who will listen but it's more powerful to stay put and allow yourself to reach heights you want to be at, without being answerable to anyone.

Be still.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Loving the Pain of Progress

It sounds a bit absurd, doesn’t it? I mean, since when do we associate pain with a good thing? There’s a million reasons why.

 A good number of people are okay with waddling around in their comfort zones, you know, living in the moment with no idea of how to plan for the future. After all, the future is tomorrow. Literally, I really mean tomorrow. The day after today.

How is it that as we continue to find solace in complacency, we still tend to envy those who have gone high and low to achieve their dreams? Doesn’t it awaken the need to get up and make a difference today? Well, if you ask me, it should. A whole lot.

We, as young people, have the absolute power to shape our destinies. Of course it wouldn’t come easy, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this. The main problem with most of us is we want a defined,easy path. One without much hassle, one without much pain. We forget that in order to get where we want to be, a lot of obstacles will have to be encountered, detours will have to be taken, we will experience the pain of progress. And we have to love it.

If you are not a fan of this type of pain, there is no way that you can realize the refreshing bliss of attaining your goals. That comfort zone won’t remain enticing for long, you will outgrow it and you will have to PROGRESS...

  • Learn from others, you can’t make it all by yourself
  • Be patient with yourself, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
  • Learn from your mistakes, they are our best lessons.
  • Find, nurture and cultivate your passions,  the sky isn't the limit, you are.

And at the end of the day, you won’t be sitting around moping and being bitter because only YOU can push yourself as much. Live life in such a way that there won’t be need to blame anyone but yourself if you fail to make the move.